Yesterday I was to the annual FysikRevy at the Niels Bohr Institute, and it was great! A bunch of the students band together and make a two-hour (or was it more?) show with singing and acting (and a lot of booze) – doing small sketches teasing the teachers and the administration.
I haven’t been to the revy the last couple of years, since it always ended up being in a weekend where I didn’t have time. But this year, I finally found the time, and I am really glad that I did. I’m already looking forward to next year!
Oh, and something funny: I was actually indirectly in the revy. A printed version of one of my note collections was in one of the sketches!
For an example of what happened at the FysikRevy, even in English, have a look at their YouTube page for one of the most awesome songs they’ve written so far!