Course overviews

Page still under development

This website is still under development, and I have not added all things from my old website yet. This page is an example. You can still find the content you are looking for on my old website:

I’ve collected log books and notes, as well as laboratory reports and assignments that were handed in – that I’ve made during the different courses I’ve participated in. The courses are in chronological order, with the oldest at the top. Each course also has its own sub-page with a description of the course, and often comments about what I thought of it, as well as an overview of the schedule and curriculum that the course ran through.

  • Grades have been given in the new Danish scale (also called the 7-scale; it goes from -3 over 2 (passed) up to 12). If the grades are only given as passed or failed, a  is used for passed.
  • If I’ve made a note collection to a given course, I indicate it with a icon. Clicking it will redirect to the page for that particular note collection. You can also see all note collections here.
  • If there is a SIS (Study Information System at the University of Copenhagen) page for the course, it is indicated with a icon linking to the page.

Note that the course home pages from block 1 of year 2009 are on the Absalon system instead of an open web page – and a user account to the university intranet is needed in order to gain access.


Courses followed to get bachelors degree

YearBlockCourse and course home pageSub-pageGradeECTSOther sub-pages
20071Physics 1 (mechanics and special relativity)Link107.5Lab-exercises
20071 Math introLink127.5Hand-ins
20072 Physics 2 (further mechanics)Link107.5Lab-exercises
20072 Linear algebraLink127.5Hand-ins
20083 Physics 3 (thermodynamics)Link125Lab logs
20083First year projectLink122.5
20083 Math for physicistsLink127.5
20084 Physics 4 (electrodynamics)Link107.5Lab-exercises
20084Analysis 1Link107.5Hand-ins
20081 Physics 5 (quantum mechanics I)Link127.5Lab-exercises,
20081 Analytical mechanics and chaosLink127.5
20082 Physics 6 (electrodynamics and waves)Link107.5Lab-exercises,
20082Mathematical physics 1Link127.5Hand-ins
20093 Physics 8 (quantum mechanics II)Link127.5Lab-exercises,
20093 Dynamical systems and chaosLink77.5
20094Ethics in scienceLink77.5
20094Intro to atomic physicsLink7.5Lab-exercises,
20091Computer science for physicistsLink7.5Weekly assignments
20091 Intro to nuclear and particle physicsLink127.5
20092 Physics 7 (statistical physics)Link127.5Hand-ins
20103 Quantum field theory ILink127.5
20104Computer physicsLink127.5Weekly assignments
20104Experimental physicsLink127.5Lab-exercises
20101+2Bachelor thesisLink1215Project page

My total average of the grades during my bachelors degree education was then 11, and I earned 180 ECTS points in total.


Courses followed to get candidate (masters) degree

YearBlockCourse and course home pageSub-pageGradeECTSOther sub-pages
20101Neutron scatteringLink7.5Projects
20113 Magnetism and magnetic materialsLink127.5Hand-ins
20114 Experimental X-ray physicsLink127.5Lab-exercises
20111 General relativityLink107.5
20111Applied statisticsLink127.5Hand-ins
20112Elementary particle physicsLink47.5Hand-ins
20112 Condensed matter theory ILink47.5Hand-ins
20113Independent projectLink7.5

My total average of the grades during my candidate degree education is then 9.0, and I’ve earned 60 ECTS points. After this, I continued directly to a four-year PhD, and hence did not write a master thesis.


Courses followed to get PhD

TimeCourse and course home pageSub-pageECTSInformation
2012, MarchJana2006 workshopLink1
2012, JuneNBIA workshop on Neutron ScienceLink5
2012, SeptemberDISCUS workshopLink3
2012, SeptemberResponsible Conduct of ResearchLink1
2012, block 2CrystallographyLinkEnded up not going to the exam
2013, JanuaryFlipper2013Link2
2013, MarchADD2013Link2
2013, SeptemberIntroduction to University PedagogyLink3
2013, OctoberPublishing and writing courseLink1
2013, OctoberTime management courseLink1
2013, NovemberStructural State of Minerals and ApplicationsLink5
2013, NovemberMantid introductory courseLink1
2016, JulyAperiodic CrystalsLink2.5


Courses I have been an instructor or teachers assistant in

YearBlockCourse and course home pageSub-pageInformation
20114Experimental physicsLinkExercise and lab assistant
20111Neutron scatteringLinkMATLAB intro and development of web-page
20124Experimental physicsLinkExercise and lab assistant
20121Neutron scatteringLinkMATLAB intro and exercise assistant
20134Experimental physicsLinkExercise and lab assistant


Other subpages relevant to my courses

Time tables

I’ve made my time-table public, primarily to make it easier for myself to actually find it in a hurry. But if anyone else should be interested in seeing what I’m doing at the moment, my time-table, and the time-tables of earlier years, can be seen by following this link.

Note collections

So far I’ve made a huge collection of notes for many of the courses I’ve followed, and these should certainly be of help to other people. They can be seen by following this link.