My master’s thesis about the superstructure known as staging from the isostructural material LaNiCuO(4+y), investigated by the use of both X-ray and neutron scattering.
I’ve made a small sub-page for this project, and it can be found here.
My master’s thesis about the superstructure known as staging from the isostructural material LaNiCuO(4+y), investigated by the use of both X-ray and neutron scattering.
I’ve made a small sub-page for this project, and it can be found here.
My bachelor thesis, written in group with one more person, about moderation of neutrons, and the flux dependence of the moderator geometry.
I’ve made a small sub-page for this project, and it can be found here.
My first year project, written in group with two others, about a measurement of the lifetime for the excited state of copper with the K alpha 1 and K alpha 2 transitions.
My SSO assignment ( (“Større Skriftlige Opgave” – “larger written project” – a written project done in the last of the gymnasium years), from December 2006, on the theory behind a magnetic optical trap, and on an experiment done over two days at the H.C. Ørsted Institute in coorporation and under the guidance of master students Louise Kindt and Anders Brusch. If you like treatment of data that doesn’t make sense, this is an assigment for you!